Food & Drink Magazine

Honeyless Mustard

By Mollyalice @mollyalicehoy

I’m a recovering honey addict. A honey-oholic. A complete and total honey whore.

When I lived with my parents, every time we went to a health food store or farmers market, I would scope out the honey section and buy only the most bizarre varieties they carried. There was an entire pantry shelf dedicated to my collection of artisan honey. Buckwheat honey. Blueberry honey. Lavender, chestnut, and orange blossom honey. Local honey, imported honey. Raw honey. Honey sticks. I stirred it into tea, spooned it over fruit, and would even sneak out to the pantry for a surreptitious spoonful between meals.

Suffice it to say, I have a slight problem with honey.

honeyless mustard

I’m also allergic to it.

Yep. As it turns out, honey is apparently NOT supposed to make your mouth burn and your throat close up every time you eat it. This was complete news to me, who spent 22 years thinking the itchiness was just part of the honey experience.

Dead serious.

honeyless mustard

Given my honey fixation, it follows that honey mustard is far and away my condiment of choice. Not to gross you out BUT… I’ve been known to eat it with a spoon… I know, I have a serious problem. And although I’ve learned to cope with the burning, itching, and borderline anaphylaxis resulting from honey consumption, I know that in the long run, it’s probably best to give my body a break and avoid knowingly ingesting substances that will trigger an allergic reaction.

Which means… honeyless mustard! Now allergy sufferers, vegans, and honeybee rights advocates can finally enjoy the world’s greatest condiment without fear of anaphylaxis/guilty conscience/karma/what have you.

honeyless mustard

This recipe is highly adaptable to your personal tastes. I like my honey mustard to be on the sweeter, barely-mustardy-at-all side, so I only used a tablespoon or so of mustard — mustard fans, feel free to go all out! You can use different types of mustard, switch out the agave with some molasses or maple syrup, or even sub a different kind of vinegar, like apple cider or balsamic, if malt vinegar isn’t your thing. The possibilities really are endless!


1/2 c plain soy yogurt
1-2 tbsp mustard
2-3 tbsp agave
1/2 tsp malt vinegar
seasoning, to taste *


1. In a small bowl, combine yogurt, mustard, agave, and vinegar and stir until combined. Add seasoning to taste.
2. This recipe is so easy, you don’t need a second step! But here’s one anyway for all you OCD folks out there.

* I used a dash of seasoned salt, but you could also add sea salt, black pepper, paprika, chipotle, poppy seeds… get creative!

honeyless mustard

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