Hair & Beauty Magazine

Homemade Remedies To Get Pink Lips Naturally

By Tmomw
Pink Lips

Pink Lips

 We do not have oil glands on our lips so it get dry very easily and needs special care to make them pink and healthy looking. You can use SPF 15 to protect form harmful UV rays. These remedies are natural and can easily be done at home. Take care of your lips and keep them hydrated also scrub them once or twice a week. Don’t neglect lips as they are essential part of your body. A soft pink and healthy lips looks and make your face more attractive.

 Sugar and Butter Scrub

Powder sugar and mix it with some butter to get a smooth paste and apply it on lips. Massage this paste on lips and it will exfoliate them by removing the dark layer of your lips. This will make your lips pink naturally.

Beetroot Juice

Beetroot juice is very effective in removing the dark spots from your lips and the natural color of Beetroot will remove dark layers of your lips and will leave reddish tint them.

Drink water

Drink lots of water as this will keep your lips hydrated and only the dried dead skin on lips can make it look dark.

Oils to keep lips moisturized

Almond oil and olive oil both are very effective in nourishing the lips and makes them soft and healthy. Apply almond or olive oil lightly on your lips before going to bed.

Glycerin and Vaseline

Winters are near and many of us give attention to face and other body parts but neglect our lips. Cracked and chapped lips appear more darker and pigmented. Glycerin and Vaseline both help in keeping skin of lips moisturized and soft.


Massage your lips with a soft toothbrush lightly for sometime after brushing your teeth. And nourish your skin of lips with oils.

Cucumber / lemon/ Tomato Juice

Cucumber / lemon/ Tomato Juice are effective in reducing dark spots from your face and also from your lips. Apply the juice on your lips with the help of cotton and aloe it to dry.


Smoking, alcohol intake or heavy caffeine intake can darken your lips. Quit smoking and reduce caffeine intake which will help to reduce darkness from lips.


Always use good quality of lipsticks and lip balms, low quality of cosmetics can damage skin of lips. Also let the skin of lips breath and don’t get obsessed with lips cosmetics.

Try these simple steps and it will make your lips lighter and naturally pink. For effective results try and one or more of these remedies patiently.


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