This morning was a busy one for me and the kids - and Nani (she was here today, too.) We woke up, got dressed, got breakfast and then got ready for three, count them: 1 - 2 - 3, back-to-back therapy sessions. During the 2nd and 3rd sessions, Baby J and I ran to Whole Foods and my mother handled the extra therapy sessions. When we got back, we had lunch, a little play and then got ready for nap. It was a rushed morning, a stressful morning. I got irritated with the kids a few times and I didn't really stop to enjoy any of the boys' many sweet moments.
Then, something happened that reminded me to appreciate every single moment I have with my amazing boys.
I logged on to facebook from my phone and got the news that Corbin, a beautiful, amazing, tough little 3-month old boy with Williams syndrome passed away this morning. I have been communicating with his mother for some time. I follow her blog, facebook and caring page. I knew that he was having his third heart surgery yesterday, I knew that he faced some very challenging moments during the surgery and I knew he wasn't out of the woods. Still, my heart broke in two when I learned that at 9:25 this morning, this his sweet little heart stopped beating after putting up one heck of a fight. I can't even begin to imagine the heartbreak that his family is enduring.
So, at nap time today, I held my boys a little tighter than usual. I am so grateful for everything they bring to my life, joys and challenges, and I will not take them for granted.
Much love to you, Corbin's mommy and Godspeed, sweet Corbin. The world is a better place for having had you in it. I am a better mother because of you.