Society Magazine

Hocking a Loogie at M23 & Rwanda: My Goma Sources Safe in Bukavu Via Gisenyi, Rwanda

Posted on the 22 November 2012 by Aengw @alexengwete
In a daring move that amounts to hocking a loogie at M23 and Rwanda,
two of my Goma sources--a physician and his wife, a political
scientist--left Goma at 6:00 HRS this morning local time (GMT + 2)
aboard a Toyota pickup, bribed M23 "border guards" ($500), entered
Rwanda, and at Gisenyi, hired a cab for Bukavu!

I am glad to report that they are safe and sound at Bukavu, the
capital of the South Kivu Province.

They were stranded at Goma Airport when their CAA flight was grounded
(see my previous posts).

They couldn't immediately leave for Kinshasa from Bukavu, however, as
all the seats are already taken on all flights bound for the capital
city tomorrow.

On two worrisome notes:

1) I've lost all phone contacts with another stranded Kinois who was
on that same grounded CAA flight; and

2) I can't re-establish email contacts with Goma-based blogger Charly
Kasereka of the blog Actu du Kivu ( His
last post dates back from November 15. He was then embedded with the
FARDC on the frontline at Kibumba.

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