Aw our babies are growing up.
And by growing up I mean making horrible life decisions like actual grown-ups do. They're adults now, so the MacLaren's gang doesn't get to go on wild adventures without consequences anymore...
or do they?
Let's recap:
*Marshall is going to be a judge (yay!) but he hasn't told Lily yet (big oops). His guilt led him to get kicked off a plane so...
*In order for Marshall to make it to Barney and Robin's wedding he has to drive cross country with a crazy woman and his baby, meanwhile...
*Lily is lonely without Marshall and has decided to mask this loneliness with an alcoholic haze leading her to...
*Divulge Barney's brother's big secret: James and Tom [the marriage that got Barney to believe in marriage] is ending in divorce...
*Barney still loves Robin and still wants to marry her. Which is good because we're in Farhampton at the inn where they're going to get married. Unfortunately the crazy old relatives are putting a damper on their joy...
*Ted is also low on joy because in typical, self-centered Ted form he has made a series of dumb decisions and is hiding them from some people (Barney, Robin, presumably Marshall) while whining about them to others (Lily). Remind me again: does anyone actually like Ted? Are we supposed to care that he's so upset about Robin marrying Barney that he's abandoning his life in New York and moving to Chicago? Oh, we are? Huh. Well anyway it seems like kind of a jackass move similar to when...
*Ted kissed Robin at the carousel in the park at the end of last season (otherwise known as right before they went to the wedding). She was frantically looking for her lucky locket to wear on her wedding day. Robin suddenly had a moment of doubt about this whole wedding because a) she couldn't find the locket and b) it's Robin so of course...
*Ted chose to make Robin's slight cold feet all about him and his love for her and how she'd never ever be unhappy with him [except she was both times they dated]. Luckily Robin still seems to be very much in love with Barney and actively telling him that which is good because...
*Barney saw Robin and Ted kiss. And the shit's about to hit the fan [or rather, the very expensive scotch is about to hit the deck, because Ted dropped it when he found out].