Hidden Magic Wand

Today in these hard times, we need desperately magic to solve some problems. And, problems are so big and so everywhere. Often, we invest a lot of thinking and energy in order to deal with certain situations that spoil our mood. Sometimes we come to a solution, but sometimes, in spite of enormous effort we make, everything is dissipated. Exactly in such difficult moments, we wish to have a magic wand to make the problems disappear only with a single click. It would be wonderful to have one hidden wand and to use it any time we need to disperse insoluble problems. But, it is not like the way it goes; the reality is a big enigma. We can only get away from it briefly and enter the world of fairy tales where everything is possible. There are no unfulfilled desires. The world of fairy tales is magical world and world of happiness. But, certainly computer games are the world of fun. So, select Hidden Magic Wand to run away from the reality. Your fun game task is to search for 15 magic wands at the most beautiful pictures for a period of 5 minutes. Is this sound magical?