You know? I think a lot. Maybe I should say ponder. I ponder everything from the most miniscule — to things I’ll never comprehend. I often lose myself in my thoughts. I have learned to tune out everything around me and focus… I mean really focus. Sometimes people talk to me and I don’t even hear them.
I wish to God I would have learned to do this earlier in life… like at certain jobs… or when my kids were tweens. You know… that whole time frame when they kind-of-sort-of still like you, but mostly think you are a dork. The age when they are coming into their own, and parents are left wondering if they will make it through raising them without landing in therapy. Sooooo much energy radiates from people! I used to get sucked into that energy, fights would erupt and tempers would flare. I fed off their negative energy and in turn they fed off mine.
Well, I have to say in the last few years I’ve learned a ton about, and have been fascinated with, energy. Every thing is made up of energy. Every single cell gives off energy and disperses it outward, so energy is always in motion, it’s vibrating. If you look at a burning candle, you can see the energy radiating from the wick. Everything radiates energy, it’s just that sometimes we can’t see it. Basically, as we go through life, our energy is making direct contact with everybody elses energy around us… think of drops of colored water dripped onto a piece of paper… the droplets spread out and bump into, mesh, and weave with the other droplets.
Now think about this for a moment. So many things begin to make complete sense when you
I find it ironic that we once thought our ancestors to be primitive and lacking knowledge… but ancient civilizations have known, understood, and have told us about vibrating energy…for a few thousand years now! It’s only recently that modern science is understanding all this ancient knowledge. Let’s take the human body for example: each of us is made up of over 75 trillion cells. Each cell is vibrating, and everyone’s cells vibrate at difference speeds or frequency. When your cells are vibrating faster you are healthier; when they vibrate slowly you are not feeling well. Happiness, laughter, positive thinking, being in love, expressing compassion — all these things make our cells vibrate fast and make us feel great! When our cells are happy — we are happy. When our cells are healthy — we are healthy. It’s really that simple!

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When we experience negativity, sickness, depression, anger, jealousy, and disease… these make our cells vibrations get slower. We become more negative, depressed, and drained physically or mentally. When our cells are vibrating slower, we can become sick — in mind and body.
Now that you are armed with knowledge about your vibrating cells, you can use this to become mentally and physically healthy! Eat healthy so that your cells don’t feel sluggish. Think and act positively: Surround yourself with positive people, find the positive in situations, and participate in positive physical activities (such as walking, biking, laughing, gardening, or any form of exercise.)
When you find yourself absorbing negative energy you must remove yourself from the situation by walking away, or turning your attention to something positive! Whether it’s your boss, or that eye-rolling teenager — turn your attention to positive thoughts or you will certainly be sucked into having a negative day!