My Reputation (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]
[cap[caption id="" align="alignright" width="252"]tion id="" align="alignright" width="200"] Bad Reputation (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"] The Voice (U.S. TV series) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]
Warning: I do use profanity (curse words) in this audio post linked below. I am not using these words hatefully or name calling-I just get to say the words that the TV beeps out on non cable or cable programming.
This audio post will most likely suck: I am in no way shape or form a professional speaker, have no voice over or live audio experience, am loud as hell and this is probably not a good idea but oh well. Click and listen and then commence with the shit talking or surprised enjoyment.
EVERYTHING SPOKEN ABOUT IS BASED ON MY OPINION. ANY MATERIAL THAT CONFUSES OR DIRECTS LISTENER TO CONSIDER THIS INFORMATION CREDIBLE TO THAT INDICATED OUTCOME IS MISTAKEN. Personal reviews are written from personal experience but to safe guard my readers the proper protocol has been taken to formally post my opinion based audio material. CLICK RED TEXT BELOW TO BEGIN TO LISTEN TO THIS POST. TURN THE VOLUME LOW I AM LOUD AS HELL.
MY VOICE POST 1: My rant/summary of my last few post's and more shit that comes up in my head and filters out like caffeine free lattes at Starbucks. OH YEA! I curse a whole lot in this one so DONT LISTEN if you are not an adult or get offended by this. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1OpsBI7LQsc
My Reputation (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]
[cap[caption id="" align="alignright" width="252"]tion id="" align="alignright" width="200"] Bad Reputation (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"]