Travel Magazine

Hello! Long Time No Bloggy!

By Smartgirltravel @SmartGirlTravel

It’s been a while since my last post…..

I really wish I could say that I’ve been galavanting around in foreign lands.  I haven’t.  I wish I could tell you that I was conducting blogging research in a five star hotel in London – or hiding away in a cosy chalet in the Lakes – neither is true. 

I’ve been extremely busy of late, being a little bit of everything; I’ve been the lucky recipient of an exciting job offer in the world of fashion, I’ve been the unlucky victim of tooth ache on both sides and swollen lymph nodes around my neck, and I’ve been the disgruntled owner of a car which a) won’t start when I need it to and b) gets me into trouble with speed cameras (how it does both, I know not).

So life’s been a bit hectic.  But it hasn’t all been tears and tantrums – I’ve had a few frolics along the way. Last weekend, I toasted litre after liter after litre of thirst quenching German beer to folk bands, and danced my heart out to the quirky sounds of Deutschland.

The German Christmas Market in Leeds is just one of the many festive venues dotted around the UK, and Christmas really doesn’t begin until you’ve wrapped up in faux fur ear muffs and walked around stuffing your face with German sausages and mulled wine under the beautiful Christmas lights. 

Here are some pics from my weekend






Wishing you all a Christmassy December with lots of mulled wine and minced pies!

♥ Mags 

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