Food & Drink Magazine

Hello, I'm William, the New French Intern at the Family C...

By Bakerquigs @bakerquigs


I'm William, the new French intern at the Family Cake in the Marketing. This is my first blog.

Coming soon on 14th July 2015 Bastille Day in France.

Celebrated on July, 14, Bastille Day is French national day and the most important bank holyday in France. the 14th July has become a major public Holiday, traditionally considered as the symbol of the french révolution.
The French Bastille day is definitely a joyous nationnal day that brings many celebrations in the street as well as political events. The best way to enjoy  the 14 july Bank Holiday - widely known as le 14 juillet - is to go to Paris, More precisely on the Champs Elyssé. Expect military parades,  public speeches and fireworks, but also jovial gatherings in all cafés and restaurants
Military parade on Champs Elyssé.       Hello, I'm William, the new French intern at the Family C...    A cake to match Hello, I'm William, the new French intern at the Family C...     A Plane in the sky.   Hello, I'm William, the new French intern at the Family C...   Make a plane with the Family cake.       Hello, I'm William, the new French intern at the Family C...   Are you up for the Challenge ? Yes, we think so       
Every single town in France actually commemorates the Bastille Day with excitement and pride as your ational day. on July,14, many french people wear blue, white and red, "tricolor" clothes or make-up and sing the typical" La marseillaise".
Listen to my music
  Perfect cake to celebrate 14th July   Hello, I'm William, the new French intern at the Family C...   it means a great stenght for us. Imagine eating this and enjoy   " Vive La France" And " Paris est magique"     See you Soon.   Please, give me your opinion to improve the next acticle.        by William

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