Lifestyle Magazine

Heidi’s Wake-up Call!

By Claire
Exactly six months today I will be walk­ing down the aisle to Mr Moore. My reac­tion to this fact reminds me of my daily expe­ri­ence of get­ting ready for work.  One minute I’m lux­u­ri­at­ing in the bath with what seems like heaps of time to spare and then, before you can say ‘Mrs Moore-to-be’, I find myself rac­ing around the flat, fran­ti­cally search­ing for my keys/purse/gloves in ‘Chal­lenge Anneka’ kind of a way.Heidi’s wake-up call!

Our cuckoo clock — home of Heidi

Before I reach that point of com­plete panic there is, how­ever, an interim stage when I hear Heidi, the cuckoo who lives in our clock, strik­ing the hour.  At that point, I become aware of the need to accel­er­ate my progress towards the front door so that I can exit in time to catch the train with­out hav­ing to run all the way to the station.
Heidi’s wake-up call!

Heidi at the door of her house

Just as Heidi’s cuck­oo­ing reminds me that I can dither no longer about heels vs flats or a skirt vs a dress, wak­ing up this morn­ing and real­is­ing that we’ve entered the six-month count­down period has made me realize that I need stop pre­var­i­cat­ing about such knotty nup­tial issues as the choice of wed­ding break­fast menu and type­face on the invi­ta­tions and make some deci­sions. I know it shouldn’t be that hard.  But it is and if you’ll click this way to I’ll share with you the rea­son for my vacillation.

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