Food & Drink Magazine

Healthy 4 Ingredient Vanilla Fig Jam!

By Sophies Foodie

As most of you know by now, we have a huge fig tree in our walled garden at our house. I picked many figs that morning & needed to use them up. So, I invented this quick easy healthy vanilla fig jam. The vanilla flavor goes so well with the ripe figs. And here are the 4 ingredients:

Healthy 4 Ingredient Vanilla Fig Jam!

And here is the end product in cool small jars:

Healthy 4 Ingredient Vanilla Fig Jam!

Recipe: For 2 x 212 ml jars & a little bit of jam extra 


671 gr ( 5 cups) fresh figs, cleaned, stems of the figs removed, each cut up into 4

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

1 tablespoon home-made vanilla extract

1/2 cup (125 ml) light organic agave


  1. Place 4 ingredients into a fitted cooking pot & bring to the boil, stirring often. When the figs begin to boil, with help of a wooden spoon, break down the figs & their skin, to release the pectin in the figs. Sir often to prevent burning of the agave. Lower the heat if you need to.
  2. At the same time, boil your jam pots & lids, for 10 minutes in boiling water & see that they are totally submerged into the boiling water. This way you sterilize your jars & lids & that is what we want.
  3. Your figs will start to break down further & further, keep on stirring! After 20-25 minutes, your jam is darker in colour, the figs have been broken down & the jam tastes amazing! Now, your jam is ready. Check it all out here:
    Healthy 4 Ingredient Vanilla Fig Jam!
    Healthy 4 Ingredient Vanilla Fig Jam!

4. Carefully, take your boiled jars & lids out of the boiling water with help of tongs, carefully not to burn yourself, okay? Place them onto a clean kitchen towel & with help of a small spoon or ladle, fill your jam pots until nearly full. Screw the warm lid firm on & place them upside down to make them completely vacuüm. Leave them like that overnight. The next day, turn them over & label them. Now, you see that the pots are vacuüm. Store them in a dark cupboard for later enjoyment through the year. I made jam with still fig pieces in it, I didn’t mash all of my figs otherwise you end up with many pits & no chunks. I don’t want that at all! Enjoy smeared on a good bread roll, a slice of bread with butter & this tasty fig jam! This is also good enjoyed with some harder cheeses.


Click onto the title below or the photo below to go directly to the tasty recipe!


You might like this healthy fig chutney, I made using fresh figs & dried one’s:


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Sophie’s Foodie Files

Healthy 4 Ingredient Vanilla Fig Jam!

Tagged: Dairy - Free, Egg - Free, Food Gifts, Gluten - Free, Jams, Vegan, Vegetarian
Healthy 4 Ingredient Vanilla Fig Jam!
Healthy 4 Ingredient Vanilla Fig Jam!

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