One of the things I would like in the New Year is a good head shot. I had Rick take some photos of me when we were in Arkansas, but I can’t decide if I like this one better or the one that I already use on my blog. What do you think?

Last week with my Saturday Snapshots post, Christmas bokeh, I asked about books that would help anyone who has the New Year’s Resolution to improve his or her photography. We didn’t come up with much. As Jennifer Crites of There & Back pointed out, much of the best information on photography has moved from print to on-line. She recommended Bryan Peterson’s tips called “You Keep Shooting” on AdoramaTV. She later found, but hasn’t read, this e-book: 8 Ways to Accelerate Your Photography.

Vasilly of 1330v suggested Expressive Photography: The Shutter Sisters’ Guide to Shooting from the Heart edited by Tracey Clark from the Shutter Sisters blog. That looks so good I’ve requested the book from the library and added the blog to my Google Reader.
Perhaps your New Year’s Resolution for photography is more about developing the habit of taking pictures? A picture a day goal, maybe? (I failed at that spectacularly the one time I tried). If so, maybe you would like to join our group read of The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg: The Power of Habit — A New Year Group Read.
Saturday Snapshot is brought to you by Alyce of At Home With Books. Visit her post today for spectacular architecture shots from the Natural History Museum in Washington, DC and for links to other photographs around the web.