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HBO Lets Us See Inside the Episode for True Blood: Season 6 Episode 6

Posted on the 24 July 2013 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

HBO’s Inside the Episode this week follows the last day of Terry Bellefleur in True Blood Season 6, Episode 6, entitled Don’t You Feel Me? And yes, we know its his last day because of what was set in motion by him in Episode 5. What Daniel Kenneth (writer) and Howard Deutch (director) wanted to do was to make it as ‘normal’ as possible.

We see him die, not with the pain of the war still furrowing his brow, but a loving embrace, a smile, a kiss, and a light heart is how he finishes his time on True Blood

Daniel Kenneth says,

“We wanted to give the audience that feeling of what ‘happy Terry’ is like. Show how much he loved his family, loved Arlene, and ultimately he dies happy”.

Also, Bill shows us in this episode just what he is made of. The writer had this to say,

“What was really fun about that scene was that all of his powers are on display, His skin can’t be penetrated, he can walk in the day, everything he can do is on display in that one scene!”

Deutch, who directed the show said,

“I’ve never directed a scene like that, I’m proud of it, I think it’s terrifying but also woven in there’s a lot of human moments because ultimately these are two people whose children are gone. “

Finally we see Sookie accepting that Warlow is not what she thought he was, the demons of her past have shifted face, and she has confronted them maturely. Things heat up with Ben/Warlow, as Deutch describes,

“It’s kind of like when you’re in the ocean and you feel the undertow, and it’s a riptide. You know you’re not supposed to get near that, but sometimes you can’t help it!”

Call it chemistry or fate, but it’s a new direction that Sookie has to consider, the fairy vampire hybrid that she fears, may be her ultimate reality. In the mean-time, she decides to loose herself to the moment and go with what feels good, and Ben, well, he doesn’t really complain does he!

You can watch the full Inside the Episode interview below:

Ep. 66: Inside the Episode

Source: HBO – Inside the Scene

(Photo Credit: Rachel Tsoumbakos/HBO Inc.)

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