While I see many entrepreneurs give up too early in sales conversations it is true that there are some people who just can’t afford the services you provide. This post is about them.
It is critical that when you are engaging a client in an enrollment conversation that you offer the service that would serve them best. Do not judge what you think they can afford because many will surprise you. Give them the opportunity to receive the greatest benefits of what you have to offer.
But, what do you do when they say they can’t afford it?
Have a conversation with them. Is it a limiting belief? Resistance? Fear? Or, the truth?
And, if you find it is true, offer them something else. Move to plan B. Be prepared with other packages or options that can support them.
A simple three tier plan for a coach might look like this:
Ideal – Coaching one hour per week
Plan B – Coaching ½ hour per week or 1 hour twice a month
Plan C – Email or group coaching
And, if they can’t afford any of your options and they are someone that is a good fit for your business, never let them go away empty handed. Offer them your free newsletter, blog, or a connection on social media to keep the relationship going.
You may find that many of these clients who “can’t afford services” eventually do or become loyal followers who refer others to you. Don’t judge them for their temporary circumstances. Keep them in the loop. You never know what the future may bring.