Here we are, it’s New Year’s Eve! Time to kick bad habits to the curb. Time to set some goals and reflect back on the year.
Take a look at situations, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors from the past year which did not have a favorable outcome for you.
Which of these things will you change in the new year? Will you be more positive? Will you stop letting people walk all over you? Will you stop being jealous, angry, or sad?
What will you say GOOD RIDDANCE to in this new year? Below are printable sheets to aid you along in saying goodbye to these things. Click on either the color link or the black and white, and get 6 cards to print off, write your “good riddance’s” on the back and then burn them. *while they are burning let yourself watch them go up in flames and once and for all say goodbye! (right click, and then either “Save Image As” or “View Image” and print with browser)
When you are done… make a commitment to meditate daily. Take some time just for YOU every. single. day! Work hard to remain positive and take care of your mind and your body!
Happy New Year! All the best to you and yours!