Hey hey.
Guess what? I was on blogging vacation because we bought a house!!! I also got a promotion at work so I’m full time (cray-cray work schedule). We went on a huge holiday vacation visiting everyone on both sides of the families. We bought a brand new car, a little Nissan Versa. Which, on December 19th I was in a really bad accident in. Rear ended on the highway by an SUV traveling 50-60mph at impact. The car’s totalled. I’m okay, which is the important thing. We’ve been decorating and buying new furniture. It’s been a whirlwind.

A little fun fact about me… I can kill anything green. It’s a gift, really. But I love trying.

So I don’t get too defeated I’ve been buying really easy plants, like succulents and other members of the cacti family.
Ohh… while I was cooking the other day I noticed that I had an entire garlic head that was sprouting little green shoots out of the tips. So I peeled all the cloves that had sprouted and put them in a stemless wine glass with the tiniest bit of water. In 3 days they’ve all grown little roots and their sprouts have doubled in size!!! I was looking online and learned that you can cook with garlic sprouts. Say what?!?!
I was really inspired by my garlic success. So this morning I decided to try and force some bulbs.

First I went to Michaels and bought a few little glass vases. The trick to forcing bulbs is having the root end of the bulb barely touching the water in the vase. They make bulb forcing vases but the ones I found online were a little expensive in my opinion when I could get the ones I found for $1.99 and under.

I bought three vases that I knew would cradle the bulb above the waterline, like I had seen the bulb forcing vases did. Then for the two that were too big I used toothpicks to suspend the bulb.

The bulb can’t be too waterlogged. If it is, it’ll start to rot and it won’t sprout which is why it needs to be only touching the water.

Because my window doesn’t get a lot of sunlight I picked bulbs that needed ‘part sun’. I ended up with daffodils. Lowes was really low on bulbs, probably because it’s winter. But I just really wanted to try so I went with what they had. Daffodils are really pretty.