The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question: Caroline and Max work at the Williamsburg Diner in Brooklyn
FIRST FIVES: Mike O'Dea, Neil Moffatt, Monica Caraffa, Karen Feldman & Jim Carter
Honorable Mention: Priscilla PaezWednesday's Broadcast Top 5 Barbara Walters 10 Most Fascinating-ABC 2.2/8.8 Modern Family-ABC 1.8/6.2
The Sing Off-NBC 1.6/5.4
The Middle-ABC 1.4/5.7
Criminal Minds-CB 1.3/6.4
Wednesday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5 X Factor-FOX 332,975
The Sing Off-NBC 18,230
Michael Buble's Christmas Special-NBC 15,998
Barbara Walters 10 Most Fascinating-ABC 14,802
iHeartRadio Jingle Ball 2013-CW 8,585 Wednesday's Cable Top 5 The Big Bang Theory-TBS 1.2/3.1
Duck Dynasty-A&E .9/2.2
Law & Order SVU-USA .8/2.3
American Dad-Adult Swim .8/1.9
Wednesday's Cable Trendrr Top 5
Duck Dynasty-A&E 180,473
NHL Penguins/Rangers-NBC Sports 49,807
Top Chef-Bravo 32,603
NBA Bulls/Rockets-ESPN 28,039
Piers Morgan Live-CNN 17,855
Wednesday's Top 5 Nielsen Twitter Ratings
X Factor-FOX 265,200 Tweets Barbara Walters 10 Most Fascinating People-ABC 44,100 Tweets
Girl Code-MTV 24,100
Michael Buble Xmas Special-NBC 19,200 Tweets
Key & Peele-NBC 10,400 Tweets Late Night Ratings for the week of 12/9/13-12/13/13 Leno .9/3.9
Kimmel .7/2.6
The Daily Show .7/1.6 Letterman .6/3.1 Fallon .6/1.9
Colbert .5/1.3 Nightline .4/1.6 Ferguson .4/1.5 Carson .4/1.0 Conan .4/.7
Early Morning Ratings for the week of 12/9/13-12/13/13
GMA 1.9/2.3
Today Show 1.9/2.3
CBS This AM .9/1.0
It took nearly 3 hours to get home from work yesterday, luckily it's my last commute til 2014. Other than The Returned episode 3, I watched the SNL Christmas Special which was really just a compilation of the best Christmas skits. My families favorite is this one. Always has been, always will be: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxeO-4lIpL8. Can't wait for this Saturday!!! JT and my FBFF together...EPIC!
-Well, at least Katie has her Yahoo gig. Katie Couric left ABC (sort of) and now her talk shows been cancelled. The good news is she can now focus on her new job at Yahoo and the wedding plans? Seems to me like she did everything in perfect order right? Announced her decision to leave ABC and take the Yahoo gig BEFORE her show was cancelled. Either way she'll be fine. She can use all the extra time to register for LeCreuset at Bloomingdales and meet with her wedding coordinator Franz a couple times a week.
-The kids version of MasterChef has been renewed for a second season for anyone who loved the premiere season.
-CBS announced a really REALLY early series finale date for How I Met Your Mother...Monday 3/31! Let's face it, the show should have ended already, so I'm ready for the end at this point, but I was prepared for the end to come in May, not March. The sad will set in sooner now.
-CBS also announced that it will use the HIMYM finale to launch its hopeful replacement...Friends with Better Lives. HIMYM was the next Friends and Friends with Better Lives is the next, next Friends...maybe. There have been SO many Friends attempts and only a few successes, good look Friends with Better Lives.
-March 2nd is this year Oscars. Ellen's hosting check out the trailer for her big gig...it's GREAT! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DisioPE86AY
-In my job, I get all the letters that the public writes complaining about TV show content. This Duck Dynasty mess resulted in quite a few letters yesterday. The funny thing was that normally, the public would NOT want the corporation to support a racist show or a show with too much sex or too much violence. Not this time. This time the public doesn't want the corporation to support the network who suspended Phil. The public wants the corporation to support Freedom of Speech and PHIL! First time since I've been dealing with content that this has EVER happened. Hypocritical?
-No clue what happened in the world of celebrity this past year? Need a refresher? Here's a fun recap: http://mashable.com/2013/12/19/2013-pop-culture/
Friday's Trivia Question: What was this weeks theme?
Have a great holiday...see you all in 2014 or sooner on Facebook