Family Magazine

Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

By Craftycrunchymama
On this day last year at 2:43 PM my 9 lb 8 oz baby boy came into the world. I have never heard a sweeter sound than his first cry. I can't believe a whole year has gone by. It seems like we just brought him home from the hospital a few weeks ago. We had a very busy year and Daddy J was gone quite a bit. We are finally settling down into a 'normal' routine and are looking forward to spending Baby J's next year together. I thought I would share a few pictures of his first year. Each photo was taken during the week he turned one month older.

Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

Right after he was born - best moment of my life!

Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

One month old - Going on his first walk!

Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

Two months old - Sleeping at Oma and Papa's house with Daddy.

Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

Three months old - Mama's cloth diaper model.

Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

Four months old - Our little monster!

Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

Five months old - First time sitting in a shopping cart.

Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

Six months old - Won't sit still for a picture.

Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

Seven months old - Jumping in his jumper!

Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

Eight months old - Happy Valentines Day!

Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

Nine months old - Photo shoot with Papa.

Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

Ten months old - Eating is so fun!

Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

Eleven months old - Being a diaper model again.

Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

One year old - Cat in the hat birthday party!

Happy birthday my lovin-doodle! I am proud to be your mother and hope you have the best day!

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