Lifestyle Magazine

Happy Bathtime, Kirstie Allsopp! (calligraphy Feature)

By Claire

Many of you will know I’m a wed­ding cal­lig­ra­pher — this is my day job, and I write Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog in the evenings and at week­ends. I also write bespoke cal­lig­ra­phy com­mis­sions and have worked with Kirstie and her amaz­ing friend and col­league Jamie on a few cal­lig­ra­phy projects in recent years.

My cal­lig­ra­phy & Kirstie Allsopp’s bathtub!

The photo above was taken in my stu­dio. It’s a vin­tage telegram which Jamie found for Kirstie. I was hired to write Kirstie’s name in a vin­tage style script. Jamie called me yes­ter­day and told me the framed piece is dis­played in Kirstie’s bath­room… and I’m ever so proud to think of Kirstie All­sopp admir­ing my cal­lig­ra­phy from her (no doubt gor­geous and vin­tage) bathtub!

calligrapher for weddings in the UK

Cal­lig­ra­phy for wed­dings in the UK

I love being a cal­lig­ra­pher — beau­ti­ful let­ter­ing is what makes my world go round. It’s fab­u­lous to see Amer­i­can wed­ding blogs fea­tur­ing more and more cal­lig­ra­phy in styled shoots and real wed­dings, and I do hope the trend will con­tinue to move across to the UK.

US cou­ples are embrac­ing cal­lig­ra­phy as a dec­o­ra­tive ele­ment and fea­ture of wed­ding recep­tions — some­thing I’d love to see more of here in the UK. If you’d like to find out more about cal­lig­ra­phy for your wed­ding I’ve shared some of my lat­est wed­ding com­mis­sions below for you.

wedding calligrapher readings

Cal­lig­ra­phy for a first wed­ding dance song — No Mat­ter What (given as a paper wed­ding anniver­sary gift)

calligrapher for wedding invites UK

Cal­lig­ra­phy names on wed­ding invi­ta­tions — the per­fect fin­ish­ing touch

wedding place names calligrapher uk

Hand­writ­ten wed­ding place names in calligraphy

My work was fea­tured on Kirstie’s Vin­tage Home on Chan­nel 4 in 2012 as part of the vin­tage wed­ding episode. I was sent a batch of lug­gage tags to write, which were then used as place names for all the wed­ding guests. Kirstie turned the very sim­ple tags into gor­geous place set­tings with mil­i­tary but­tons, vin­tage rib­bon and a car­na­tion tucked under­neath — see images of Kirstie stroking my cal­lig­ra­phy here! Kirstie All­sopp stroked my cal­lig­ra­phy on the telly!

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