Well another week has gone by and we had another great day driving Axiom at the high speed test track near Hanna last Saturday. The weather managed to turn around and it ended up being a great day.
We had some electrical issues involving pre-charge (start-up sequence of the car) and also telemetry (live streaming data from the car) but other then that we ran the car all day and got a few good hours of driver training and car testing in. We achieved a speed of 95km/h on one pass and still had plenty more to go but due to the condition of the track we decided to not push our luck.
We also seem to have very low torque from the motor at very low speeds (crawling) because on the first run out we managed to get stuck in a small rut in the road. This is most likely due to the current configuration of the motor controller and should be easily fixable by reprogramming it with a laptop.
We will be taking the car back to the Hanna track this Saturday again to get more testing in. That's assuming of course that the weather turns around (there is snow on the ground now).
Also we have been working tirelessly on the array the past week or so and are set to complete the panels today! After the panels are complete it will just be a matter of mounting them on the car.
See Ya
Tim Gamber
Electrical Engineering Manager