To the uninitiated, working from home can sound like a dream. Who wouldn’t want to work on the couch, with unlimited coffee supplies and the option to watch daytime TV if you wish?

Unfortunately, the reality of working from home is quite different. Without the watchful eye of the office clock, it can be difficult to find the motivation to get things done, and can also be quite lonely at time.
The good news is that you can make working from home work for you if you’re willing to put the effort it. Take a look at these handy hacks that will make working from home a breeze.
Get dressed
It might seem like a small thing to consider, but dressing for work can have a psychological effect on your productivity. Instead of slouching around in your best slacks, make the effort to get dressed to help put yourself in the right mindset for work. You don’t have to go for the full formal workwear option, so why not take a look at dressing tips for a casual workplace to help give you some inspiration?
Schedule your day
Scheduling your day will help you make the most of your working hours and stop you getting distracted by little things. By tackling ‘productivity blockers’, you can prevent some of the stress that comes with poor time management. Break up your day according to what’s on your to-do list and go from there.
Grouping tasks together can save you a lot of time, so set aside periods to handle emails, make phone calls and deal with your admin. Save yourself even more time by using business document templates software to keep all of your correspondence uniform and make it easier to send out those standardized emails and forms. This way, everything will carry your business branding and style, without you having to start afresh each time.
Take set breaks
When you work from home, it can be harder to take breaks from what you’re doing – although on the other hand, it’s also possible to take too many breaks and not get enough done during the day! The solution is to give yourself some set breaks, and sticking to these will ensure you strike the right balance between work and rest.
Make sure to switch off after you’ve finished work too. It’s not always easy to relax when your desk is so accessible, but finding the right balance will keep your mind and body healthy and ensure you don’t burn out.
Get out from time to time
Working from home can be a lonely business, and even if you’re emailing and calling people regularly – it’s easy to miss the social interaction that comes with office life! Try working from a cafe or a co-working space from time to time to give you a change of environment and help you enjoy the social aspect of working life.
Working from home doesn’t have to be a drag, with the right attitude and some simple tips to boost productivity – you can reap the benefits and enjoy independent working.