Before the Holiday music and decorations start kicking into high gear, how about a bit more Halloween?
The Classic Horror Film Board has been online for 17 years -- "This is the place for all fans of classic horror, sci-fi and fantasy films to discuss their favorite characters, actors, movies and more." You can find hundreds of monster movie posters and movie memorabilia (for sale).

But first stop over at monster bash news for all the noose that's fit to be tied (posted)

I never knew there's so many different series of monster movie trading cards. Everything you need to know is at the Monster Card Index.

And to round out the listing, several "best of" websites in numerical order and starting with an excellent retrospective of horror film posters.
- Evolution Of Horror Movie Poster Designs: 1922 – 2009
- 100 Illustrated Horror Film Posters
- 29 Classic Horror Movie Poster Designs
- 16 Classic Movie Posters You’ve Probably Never Seen
- 10 Classic Horror Movie Posters (No images)
- Monster Movies on DVD