Lifestyle Magazine

Halloween Costumes – The Raymond Lee Jewelers Way

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

Happy Halloween Readers! We’re interrupting our regularly schedule Masculine Monday content in honor of this All Hallow’s Eve so we can get in a little ghoul girl time.

One of the best parts of Halloween (besides candy corn, that is) is obviously getting dressed up in something that’s a huge departure from your every day wardrobe. And these costumes can sometimes take a turn for the risque – we’ll say no more.

But here are RLJ, we’re firm believers in being glam 365 days a year – even when those days require getting out of character and in to a new one. So, here’s to adding a dose of sparkle to your getup, and turning this Halloween into an opulent occasion.


Queen of Hearts


Holly Golightly


Black Cat Magic

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