Lifestyle Magazine

{Hairstyle Tutorial: Long Pony}

By Whimofthesouth
{Hairstyle Tutorial: Long Pony}

I know that like me, some of y'all simply don't have time to have your hair all over the place during the day and by leaving it will just get on your nerves. I go through phases where I like to cut all of my hair off and then grow it long again. Obviously I immediately regret that decision once it's done. It makes me miss my long ponytails and adventurous side braids. I have some great news for you ladies that do the same thing: you CAN have your longer ponytail back! It's so simple! Step 1: Curl your hair loosely (no hairspray yet...)Step 2: Section your hair off into the upper layer and the lower layerStep 3: Put the upper layer into a ponytail hairspray that section.Step 4: Place the other section (the bottom section) into a ponytail directly underneath the top one and hairspray.{Hairstyle Tutorial: Long Pony}(Excuse the roots...I'm taking care of them soon)Step 5: Fluff and spray again.Your result should look like this: {Hairstyle Tutorial: Long Pony}Viola! A longer ponytail! Note: Sweatshirt is from J.Crew (isn't it fantastic?)xo{Hairstyle Tutorial: Long Pony}

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