Lifestyle Magazine

Hair Enhancement: Grab a Beer!

By Mamakbest @mamakbest

Darker beers are better! Leave the light beer for cheat days! :)

Are you are ready for your hair to make a shiny spring debut but it’s still wearing a winter coat?   Do you enjoy a quick and easy tip, not to mention inexpensive way to enhance your hair?  Well here it is… Beer can help!  Yep, that’s right.  Grab a beer, no… don’t drink it… use it as part of your conditioning treatment!

Merary from Mane Concern suggests a beer that is traditionally brewed with hops, not a light beer.  Pour into a plastic pitcher and wait until it is room temperature and flat. (See, you don’t even want to drink it!)

Click here for rest of Merary’s instructions on how to use beer to spruce up your hair!

Cheers to healthy hair and spring time!

xoxo- Kellie

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