Hair & Beauty Magazine

Hair Accessories: Do’s and Don’ts

By Naturallychique32 @kirigoliz

Now that your hair is growing beautifully and you are pleased with the results so far, it is important to do everything you can to protect your precious tresses so as not to undo your hard work.

Hair growth and length maintenance is a combination of good hair care, good nutrition and also using the right styling tools and accessories. Believe it or not, the styling tools and accessories you use could make or break your hair, literally.

Let us have a look at some of the things you need to avoid if your aim is to grow long, strong healthy hair.

DO NOT use any metal tools or accessories on your hair, they WILL destroy your hair. The sharp edges will snag and tear your hair.

Metal hair picks will snag at your hair which will lead to damage.

So instead of this:                                                                                      Use this:

Hair Accessories: Do’s and Don’ts

Hair Accessories: Do’s and Don’ts

Plastic hair picks are gentler and do not snag at your hair. They will help you preserve your locks. Watch out however for worn and damaged teeth, these are not safe for your hair and should be replaced

DO NOT use metal brushes on your curly hair.

So instead of this:                                          Use this:

Hair Accessories: Do’s and Don’ts
Hair Accessories: Do’s and Don’ts

The popular Denman brush is your best bet when it comes to choice of brushes. The plastic bristles that are flexible and widely spaced will ensure that your hair stays where it is supposed to be, on your head and not all over your bathroom floor.

DO NOT use metal hair clips, choose plastic hair clips instead. Metal clips tend to have sharp edges which will lead to hair breakage if used.

Hair clips are very useful when styling your hair. They can be used to hold your sectioned hair which makes it easier for you to work on your hair without “stray” strands getting in the way.

So instead of this:                  Use this:

Hair Accessories: Do’s and Don’ts
Hair Accessories: Do’s and Don’ts

Plastic hair clips are much gentler and will not damage your hair when used correctly.

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