Lifestyle Magazine

Guide to Buy The Right Graphic Tees

By Mahnoor Malik @MahnoorMalik90

Guide to Buy The Right Graphic Tees

Graphic t-shirt has become more popular and happening day by day. These are fun to wear and the creative element adds charm and dynamism to the personality of both men and women. Graphic t-shirt can have abstract designs or slogans written on it. You can even personalize a tee with the graphic design of your own choice and discover the new look. This is one casual you can wear any time of the year and if you have the right design and style, a graphic t-shirt can be apt for any informal occasion. But there are certain Doe’s and Don’t that you need to remember while buying your graphic tee. Here are some of them that you can follow.

For men

More than women, graphic t-shirts are staple for men. You would hardly find a guy who does not have at least one such tees in his wardrobe. Age is not a factor for graphic tees, provided you are happy to stay tune with the ongoing trend.  Usually, these t-shirts come with round necks. If you get V-neck graphic tees, try it on. But do not buy any confusing or cryptic design, which is unable to pass on any message. Hence, the design should be understated, yet elegant. Moreover,  choose a graphic design that goes along with your age. For example, vintage looking graphic t-shirts are great choice for men of every age.

For women

Not many women prefer to wear t-shirts designed with band names or unusual designs. But that does not mean, graphic design is not popular among women. However, this is more of an age specific factor because young girls still wear those abstract or quirky designs. But women above the age of 35, think a lot before putting these on. If you are confused while buying the right design, the best idea would be picking sober designs. It is better not to over-accessories a graphic t-shirt because these tees are itself bright and colorful.

Be yourself

Graphic t-shirt is a style statement. It speaks about you and your nature. Therefore, the tendency should be staying trendy but do not be a fashion victim. Graphic t-shirts are ‘in thing’. So, you can go with the flow but if the design does not suit you, avoid forcing yourself. The simple method would be personalization. You can hire a professional and suggest the design for the graphic. Thanks to the technical advancement, creating your own graphic tee is very popular these days.

If you are buying a graphic t-shirt from an online store, read the seller’s returns policy before filling your cart. A perfect tee is always comfortable to wear and buying the ideal design that describes you, makes you more fashionable. There are number of colorful graphic t-shirts, be speculative enough because the shades should reflect your personality. Hence, if you are customizing a graphic tee, make it unique, creative and if you are buying a ready-made one, remember these guidelines and select the ideal t-shirt appropriate for your age.

Author Bio- Frank Newton is the Chief Financial Officer and Web Manager of Newton Screen Printing. As an industry veteran, he shares his thoughts on the art of customer service as well as various other industry insights. Frank also discusses the ins and outs of promotional merchandise and marketing.

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