Comic Books Magazine

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Has Karen Gillan’s Role Been Revealed?

Posted on the 11 June 2013 by Geekasms @geekasms

Angela’s Look for Marvel Comics

Just recently we reported that Amy Pond herself, Karen Gillan had been cast in the role of an unnamed lead female villain in the James Gunn helmed Guardians of the Galaxy.  A rumor has now hit online, thanks to a Glasgow, Scotland newspaper, that Gillan could be playing Angela, described as “a flame-haired, sword-wielding, bounty hunter.”  The article continues saying that “Karen will be stunning as the chief female villain of the movie…..but she will have her work cut out as the role involves a lot of physical workouts and with a costume as revealing, she will have to be in top shape.”

For those thinking that Angela doesn’t sound like a familiar Marvel character, it’s because she has yet to make her debut in a Marvel comic.  Originally appearing in Todd McFarlane’s Spawn, the character rights belong to Neil Gaiman, and when Gaiman came over to Marvel, he brought Angel with him.  She is set to appear in the final issue of the Age of Ultron, and has already shown up in solicitations for Guardians of the Galaxy, giving a little credit to the rumor.

So what do you think?  Could Gillan be playing Angela, or could it simply be that the Glasgow paper looked for a red-headed character in Guardians of the Galaxy, and saw Angela in the solicitations?

Here is the actual newspaper clipping, via the NeoGAF forums:

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Has Karen Gillan’s Role Been Revealed?

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