Creativity Magazine

Growing Up Too Quickly

By Flyingox @blogger_fei
I was looking through my computer today and I found 2 things that caught my interest. First is this digital illustration I made about a year ago:
Growing Up Too Quickly
For those of you who follow me on Twitter and who liked my Facebook fanpage then you already know this, but... I decided to use the illustration and some nifty textures from 99mockingbirds to make a new outfit for my Ox. Flying Ox is quite the fashionista, don't ya think?
Anyway, the second thing I found in my endless array of files is the set of photos I took on my brother's kindergarten (did I spell that right?) graduation day. He's grown so big in so little time... *tear* He will forever still be nibbling on a pacifier in my mind, though. ;)
I advise you to listen to this song while viewing my photos... y'know, just to set the mood...

Ready for some cuteness overload now?
Growing Up Too Quickly
Growing Up Too Quickly
Growing Up Too Quickly
Growing Up Too Quickly
If you're wondering why I don't have a straight-on face shot of my brother, it's 'cuz my mom thinks he'll attract mega-pedophiles or something if I post his face -___- Right. Of course.
Growing Up Too Quickly
Oh dang, I gotta go to sleep now... It's 2:47AM. I guess it's true that "artists" never sleep, eh. #nocturnalFTW #goodnight/goodmorning... #usinghashtags = #addicting... #kbye

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