Why was I looking for a deodorant if I can easily produce it at home? Well I'm always looking for new ideas, new recipes, we never stop learning, right? That's why I decided to give a chance to this roll on deodorant. What is the result? I'm pretty satisfied with it. It has a strange smell, it is a mix of orange, vanilla and rosemary, a bit too strong for my nose, but it doesn't bother during the day. The main active ingredient is Ammonium Alum, which is a mineral salt. There are a lot of polemics about the possible effects of antiperspirant salts on human health, consequently there is also a lot of confusion about the various types of Aluminium salts, that's why this subject deserves to be discussed deeply enough to understand the issue. I'll certainly dedicate a post to it. Let's go back to Green People's deodorant, it works perfectly and it doesn't absolutely irritate the delicate skin of the armpits, it has nothing to share with drugstore or typical 'Famous Brands' antiperspirant deodorants which in my case have always caused redness, itching and inflammations. It also contains olive oil and shea butter which soothe and moisturize the skin. Definetely Green People has passed the exam, I'd just recommend not to use it everyday, because your skin needs to breathe and naturally sweat in order to expell toxins! The latter is the main critics moved to antiperspirants, which would block the natural mechanisms of your organism, impeding the natural detoxification of your body.