Business Magazine

Grand Opening for Life Online

Posted on the 30 March 2012 by Iangreen @GREENComms

Grand opening for Life OnlineCongratulations, and a big pat on the back, for Tom Woolley and the team at the National Media Museum in Bradford on the launch of the new Life Online Gallery last night.
It was a great event and even included an online appearance from Sir Richard Branson (Virgin Media is one the sponsors) and from Vint Cerf.
Vint Cerfis an American computer scientist, who is recognized as one of founding fathers of the internet, who was a program manager for the United States Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency funding various groups to develop TCP/IP technology. When the Internet began to transition to a commercial opportunity during the late 1980s, Cerf moved to MCI where he was instrumental in the development of the first commercial email system connected to the Internet.
Life Online is the world’s first gallery dedicated to exploring the social, technological and cultural impact of the internet. This permanent gallery will trace the history of the internet, uncover how it has changed people’s lives and track the latest trends.
The gallery covers two spaces within the Museum. The first is a permanent exhibition in the foyer with the second being a changing temporary exhibition on Level 7. The first exhibition to feature is [open source]: Is the internet you know under threat? – an exploration of the open source nature of the internet and the current threats to net neutrality which could signify the end of this culture.
Full Disclosure: I am a member of the Museum’s Internet Gallery Advisory Board
Check out the discussion on twitter with the hashtag #LifeOnline. I also think it’s neat that the acronym for the new gallery encapsulates the digital zeitgiest: L.O.L

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