CNBC reports that according to the Center of Responsive Politics, that for the first time ever, the majority of the members of Congress are millionaires.
3 Questions That Arise From This Story
1. If people are going to elect millionaires to do nothing, why is A-Rod not in Congress, since an arbitrator just ruled that he is suspended for 162 games? At least if A-Rod was in Congress fewer members would try to get to third base with interns.*
2. “But who is going to fight for the rights of billionaires in Congress?” Good point, campaign donors. Can you really trust a millionaire to look out for your interests? How can a millionaire understand the needs of oil barons when they probably pump self-serve gasoline, instead of having their Cavalier King Charles Spaniel bark proper orders to the robotic butler to fill up the tank?
3. “Is this why there is now a hotel on Baltic Avenue? All I know is that I was passing ‘Go,’ celebrating not landing on the space making me pay income tax, and now I have to pay $450 to stay on this stupid purple space? Why did I ever vote with my dice to avoid raising taxes?”
*Because he would throw them out in a 6-4-3 double play. Did you not check the Wikipedia entry on “Baseball Humor” before coming here?