Lifestyle Magazine

Gorgeous Wedding Dresses for 2014 by Madeline Isaac-James

By Claire

This shoot involved some amaz­ing wed­ding sup­pli­ers and took place at the mag­nif­i­cent North­brook Park wed­ding venue in Sur­rey. All images are by Carey Sheffield at Hoi Pol­loi Events, with make up by the lovely Joyce at Brides and Beauty. Flow­ers are by Eve­lyn Cole, those deli­cious look­ing cakes are by Rise and Shine Cakes, candy is from Cre­ative Candi and cake pops were sup­plied by Party Pop Bak­ery.

I adore the sta­tionery and details from Glasshouse Sta­tionery — those flo­ral tags are won­der­ful! Credit also to my favorite wed­ding acces­sories design­ers Jane at HF Cou­ture, as well as The Vin­tage Sparkle com­pany.

I know you’ll love the excit­ing colours and bright, spring­like flavours of the sweetie tables and sta­tionery suites in this adorable wed­ding blog. I instantly loved this shoot as soon as I saw it and have been look­ing for­ward to shar­ing it with all of you today!

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (45)

Deli­ciously pink and green spring wed­ding dresses & ideas with Made­line Isaac-James!

The much-anticipated 2014 col­lec­tion from Made­line Isaac-James uses a range of beau­ti­ful fab­rics which have been sourced from all over the world, with an empha­sis on silk chif­fons and the finest silk tulles to cre­ate a soft, ele­gant look.

Silk tulle in par­tic­u­lar is used through­out the new col­lec­tion — from layer upon layer of the soft­est, finest silk tulle in full-skirted gowns, to a sub­tle hint of tulle used as a fin­ish­ing touch. Lace will also fea­ture highly through­out the 2014 Col­lec­tion with some new and unusual laces being used, and as with the 2013 Col­lec­tion, the gowns are also lined in silk pro­vid­ing the ulti­mate lux­ury for brides from the inside out.

designer bridal gowns by Madeline Isaac-James (6)

The new col­lec­tion will also fea­ture some amaz­ing red-carpet styled gowns – sparkling, sen­sa­tional and styl­ish – per­fect for brides look­ing to re-create an ‘old Hol­ly­wood’ style glamour!

designer bridal gowns by Madeline Isaac-James (1)

designer bridal gowns by Madeline Isaac-James (2)

designer bridal gowns by Madeline Isaac-James (3)

designer bridal gowns by Madeline Isaac-James (4)

designer bridal gowns by Madeline Isaac-James (5)

With retail prices rang­ing from just £1,499 to £2,200 for these beau­ti­ful silk gowns, this inspi­ra­tional col­lec­tion offers some­thing for every bride, and, with a range of exquis­ite add-ons includ­ing, a jacket, sash, belt or train, enabling the bride to achieve dif­fer­ent looks by chang­ing an aspect of her gown from day to evening.

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (4)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (5)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (6)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (7)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (8)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (9)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (10)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (11)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (12)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (13)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (14)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (15)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (16)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (17)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (18)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (19)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (20)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (21)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (22)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (23)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (24)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (25)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (26)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (27)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (28)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (29)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (30)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (31)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (32)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (33)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (34)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (35)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (36)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (37)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (38)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (39)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (40)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (41)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (42)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (43)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (44)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (46)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (47)

wedding dresses by Madeline Isaac-James (48)

See the col­lec­tion online at and at selected retail­ers nationwide.

Made­line Isaac-James will be show­cas­ing a selec­tion of the 2014 gowns on the cat­walk at the White Gallery – see for more information.

Wed­ding suppliers:

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