Social Media Magazine

Google Update Gmail Video Chat with Hangouts

Posted on the 07 August 2012 by Hpmurah2u @hpmurah2u
Gmail Video Chat
Google changed the Gmail video chat service to Hangouts. Hangouts features basically the same with video chat, but Hangouts is a service from Google +. Hangouts addition has a number of other excellent features. As users can make video calls to multiple people simultaneously, watch YouTube together, add effects, and others.
Video chat the old version was launched in 2008 and is a technology-based peer-to-peer, while Hangouts using Google's network that is claimed to be reliable and have better quality. With Hangouts, users can not only enjoy this feature in Gmail, but Android and IOS users can also connect via browser + Google. Hangoouts features can be enjoyed from this day will be applied to all users within the next few weeks.
origin source Gmail Blog via teknoup

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