Current Magazine

Google Testing Delivery Drones In Australia

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Google is reportedly joining Amazon in the quest to deliver products to your home using drones. According to CNN, Google is testing the technology in Australia, where items like dog food can be delivered by a drone that looks like a remote control toy helicopter.

3 Questions That Arise From This Story

1. Don’t Australians have enough to worry about, like which of the many species of venomous animals may bite them? Do they really have to add “Getting hit in the head by a machine delivering Milkbones they were too lazy to go to the grocery store to buy” to the list?

2. Is the fact that dog food seems to be an item of interest an indication that dogs may some day be running Australia? Or just that dogs are more likely to click on an eBay-style “Buy It Now” button if an image of dog food is shown on an iPad than a cost-conscious human?

3. What if we want to order a delivery of DNA of a carrier pigeon? You know, to bring carrier pigeons out of extinction using technology used in Jurassic Park, and then drive Google and Amazon out of business.

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