THE ANSWER TO FRIDAY'S TRIVIA QUESTION: The theme last week was PATRICK's for St. Patricks Day. While many of you got it right before Friday, the first five for Friday only are noted below FIRST FIVES:James Gabriele, Jim Carter, Karen Feldman, Megan Quirk & Monica Caraffa Bonus Scandal Trivia Question #1: Olivia's dad was responsible for 183 deaths when he ran B613 Bonus Scandal Trivia Question#2: The song that Cyrus & James danced to was..."Your the Best Thing That Ever Happened" by Glady's Knight and the Pips. (I downloaded it and played it a million times this weekend)
Thursday's Broadcast Top 5
Scandal-ABC 2.9/8.9
Grey's Anatomy-ABC 2.4/7.9
American Idol-FOX 1.9/8.3
Hell's Kitchen-FOX 1.7/5.3
Parenthood-NBC 1.2/4.1
Thursday's Cable Top 5
NCAA March Madness-TBS 1.2/2.7
Pawn Stars-History 1.2/4.3
Vikings-History 1.1/3.3
American Dad-Adult Swim .8/1.8
Here Comes Honey Boo Boo-TLC .8/1.8
Thursday's Top 5 Primetime Twitter Ratings
Scandal-ABC 440,000 Tweets
The Vampire Diaries-CW 57,000 Tweets
American Idol-FOX 49,000 Tweets
Grey's Anatomy-ABC 39,000 Tweets
Parks & Recreation-NBC 7,000 Tweets
Friday's Broadcast Top 5
Shark Tank-ABC 2.0/8.0
20/20-ABC 1.7/8.2
Grimm-NBC 1.5/5.7
Dateline-NBC 1.4/7.5
NCAA March Madness-CBS 1.2/3.9
Friday's Cable Top 5
Friday's Top 5 Primetime Twitter Ratings
Hannibal-NBC 45,000 Tweets
WWE Friday Night Smackdown-Syfy 30,000 Tweets
Tonight Show-NBC 18,000 Tweets
Whose Line Is It Anyway-CW 5,000 Tweets
Hello Ross-E! 2,000 Tweets
First 3 Days of March Madness by the Numbers:
- 21 million live video streams on tablets and smartphones (+42%)
- 4 million hours of live video viewed (+18%)
- Dayton vs. Ohio State - 4,588,000 streams
- Harvard vs. Cincinnati-2,742,000 streams
- St. Josephs vs. Connecticut-1,432,000 streams
- North Dakota State vs. Oklahoma-1,365,000 streams
- Albany vs. Florida-1,341,000 streams
- Total tweets 1.1 million (+39%)
Girls Soooo, a couple of surprises in the season finale of Girls. Shoshanna's not graduating and it was really sad to see her begging Ray to take her back. Marnie's selfishness when hearing Shoshannan's news, and seeing how upset she was wasn't surprising at all. Sure you could say that Adam's sister living with Laird and expecting a baby was surprising, or that Adam was actually pretty good in his Broadway debut was surprising, but for me, I think the most surprising thing I learned in the final episode of the season was that the number one Masters program in the country is in IOWA. Is that true? I had to know...so of course I Googled it and it is actually true. Wow...that's actually pretty shocking to me. Can you imagine Hannah in Iowa? Now that's a show!
Resurrection I'm still hanging in with this one. The creep factor isn't at all as high as The Returned, which is good. I don't do creepy so I'm still in. We did find out that Jacob's body was in the coffin when they dug it up. So, that's sort of crazy and unexplainable. We did find out that another person has returned to Arcadia from Deadsville...Rachel who has something to do with Father Tom. The dead seem to be very hungry all the time for some reason. I'm thinking that they feel the hunger of every missed meal? I know I'd be upset if I missed all those meals and want an excuse to make them all up. Ray seems to feel that his dad's an alien, wouldn't surprise me if he was right. Not sure what that pain in Hank's arm's all about. He had it after Jacob died the first time and now he has it again. Interesting. Most interesting is that Omar Epps was just a guy who delivered people from one place to another. Sure he works for the FBI, but in immigration, not as a detective, but he seems to be able to blow off all of his direct orders to stick around and solve this crazy mystery of the returnees. For now...I'm still in.
The Good Wife I specifically left this review in the middle of all the others, but it should be in screaming red up at the top because OMFG! Let me set the stage for a second. I fell asleep at 9pm and missed all the shows. I woke up at 2am and watched everything in the order I'm typing it in. When the shots were fired in the courtroom of course I thought Will Gardner was safe. OF COURSE HE WAS! But he wasn't. HE'S DEAD? NO WAY? He can't be dead. I mean the name of the firm is Lockhart Gardner. He's supposed to NOT testify against the Governor. He's supposed to end up with Alicia, he can't be dead. It's a dream sequence or something or he's playing a joke or he's faking his own death to get out of the mess he's in. He can't be dead. It's 3 o'clock in the morning, I'm all alone in my family room and I'm freaking out. FREAKING OUT. Will Gardner is dead...holy F! Here's a note from the producers explaining. https://twitter.com/TheGoodWife_CBS/status/447963800923152384/photo/1
Lindsay After the shocker of Will's death, of course I couldn't go back to sleep. So...hell, why not, I'll just watch Lindsay. What a freaking whack job this girl is. Again, she supposedly has no money but she has 2 assistants, a sober coach, a health and well being coach, a Mom and a Dad who all have nothing to do and a driver. She's really got nothing going on other than keeping her sh*t together and filming this documentary/reality show whatever you want to call it and yet, she can't seem to get anything done. All of these people can't seem to fold some clothes (granted it's a ridiculous amount of clothes, but I could get it done in a day...2 days tops...BY MYSELF) and put them away. Oprah finally showed up to set Lindsay straight. She turned on her therapist voice, said a lot of mumbo jumbo and had Lindsay drinking her Oprah Kool-Aid. Oh...wait it's now an Oprah Chai Latte gotta keep it straight. Whatever. It was exactly what I needed after that Good Wife, but Lindsay needs to turn the camera's off and get herself together. She's really a hot mess in need of a good bra.
-I'm sure you've all seen this video from my FBFF's show over the weekend. It was all over the place and everyone shared it on Facebook and Twitter, but it's really SO good for all of us who have seen the original Footloose a million and one times. Enjoy: http://www.nbc.com/the-tonight-show/video/kevin-bacons-footloose-entrance/2764458
-Sooooo, I just realized that Party Down and Party Down South are not the same show at all. Party Down starred Jane Lynch and Adam Scott and it was about a bunch of actors who live in LA but work as caterers. Party Down South is a reality show about a bunch of adults living in a house down south together over the Summer. Needless to say I'm mortified that I got that SO wrong. Either way, Party Down SOUTH has been renewed for a 2nd season on CMT for anyone that DOES know the difference.
-I chose Duke to win the NCAA Tournament, so I'm basically done with it all. I'm not a huge college basketball fan. While watching the tournament though, I kept seeing CBS's colonoscopy sweepstakes commercials. First I thought it was a joke, but it isn't. WTF? CBS is actually giving away free colonoscopy's? That's something people want to win? If you're one of those people, A) I need to know and B) Here's the link http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2014/02/16/2014-cbs-cares-colonoscopy-sweepstakes/
-For all my friends in the local TV world, huge merger news. Media General and LIN Media are joining forces and becoming the 2nd biggest TV broadcasting company in the U.S. The company will own and operate or service 74 TV stations in 46 markets reaching 23% of the United States TV households.
-If you're in to documentaries at all, I have to urge you to watch HBO's Paycheck to Paycheck. I was just moved and haven't stopped thinking about this one since I watched it on Saturday. I also have never felt luckier and I rarely use the word blessed, but that's how I felt after watching the story of Katrina. A single mother of 3 living her life below the poverty line in Chattanooga TN. Watch it.
-Okay...battle of the selfies...Jimmy Kimmel got this one. Whose is more impressive, Ellen's or Jimmy's? I don't even know. Hard to get Bill and Hillary to pose together, so I'm going with Jimmy's.

-One last thing, I've decided to give up Revenge. I haven't seen it in 3 weeks, I don't miss it, and nobody's asking me about it. Pretty sure if you guys were still watching, you'd have mentioned my lack of coverage by now, but apparently you guys are in the same boat as I am. With SO much on Sunday nights and Game of Thrones just around the corner, decisions needed to be made. I'm comfortable with mine. Hope you are too.
Monday's Trivia Question: One week from today is the series finale of How I Met Your Mother. 9 Seasons we've watched and it all comes to end on Monday 3/31. In honor of the show, this entire week will be How I Met Your Mother Trivia. Soooo...today's question is: Way back in the first season Ted woke up after a night of crazy drinking not remembering anything about the evening. He pieced together most of it except for one thing...a fruit on the nightstand...NAME THAT FRUIT!
WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme http://watchingwaytoomuch.com [email protected]