Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Good-bye and Hello

By Healingyoga

I can't believe it's gone by so quickly, but it's almost time to say good-bye to 2011 and hello to 2012. As usual around this time, I've been reflecting on the year gone by. I've said good-bye to a great many things/people/circumstances/situations this past year, with a hello to new things/people/circumstances/situations following close behind. I've noticed that pattern this year -- I only get to say hello to the new when I say good-bye to what I've been stubbornly holding on to. Life is funny that way, eh? It reminds me of a card that I received a little over four years with the Zen proverb that made my heart race -- leap and the net will appear. 

Yes, the leap can be scary, but without it, there's nothing ventured. Yes, you often can't have a hello without first saying good-bye. Then again, I might be wrong here -- perhaps the leap isn't scary but exhilarating. And just because people associate good-bye with sadness doesn't mean that saying good-bye can't be a good thing. Speaking from personal experience this year -- my good-byes have all been positive. And it's those good-byes that have allowed me to say hello to new experiences, new ways of being, more positive choices for my life. That's right -- not all good-byes are bad. And not all leaps are scary. One thing I can say for sure though -- both are necessary at some point in one's life. 

So, what are you saying good-bye to and hello to as you head into this new year?

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