September 28th was the big night out for the husband and I – we went to see Gone With The Wind in theatres for its 75th anniversary, followed by seeing Imelda May. It was a jam packed day, but a lot of fun!

Gone With the Wind is one of my favorite movies of all time – anyone who has even a vague knowledge of yours truly knows that much. And seeing it in theaters was amazing! When the title came rolling across the screen in its big, bold letters, it made me well up a bit thinking of my grandmother, who loved this movie like me and was the one who introduced me to it when I was younger. At first I didn’t like it (like most kids, I suppose), but then as time wore on and I became a teenager, my mom bought the double cassette tape version and I just became enamoured. When I heard TCM was doing a 75th anniversary theater screening, I had to go! Good old Robert Osborne introduced the movie, and an interesting little factoid that I thought I would share is the price to attend the premiere in Atlanta to sit in the same room with the likes of Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Olivia de Havilland, and more: $10. It may not seem like much today, but bear in mind this was 1939, and the Depression was still going on. Not to mention that inflation has made that sum equal $169.49 today – and $10 in today’s currency would be equal to 59 cents in 1939. A little depressing, I’ll say 😒
Well then let’s move on to Imelda May at the Paramount! Gone With the Wind ended at 6 PM, and the show started at 8 PM. It took us a half hour to get to the venue, so we stopped for some food first 😊 Then we headed off into the sunset and arrived after dark, and made our way into the theater in Huntington.

We talked into the theater and were about to hand over our tickets when I got stopped by an older woman who couldn’t have been over 5 feet tall even on a particularly confident day. She said she was from Newsday, and was taking pictures of people attending the concert and what they wore, and that she would love to photograph me. I said sure and we found a spot with nice lighting, and took a few shots before she asked me questions about where my dress, shoes, and bag were from, and why I dress the way I do. I happily answered her questions and gave her my info before she told me the piece would run in a week or so.
We made our way in and found our seats, which were the furthest row back but we could still see pretty damn well. The Paramount is one of those venues where you can see great from any seat, which is great and definitely something which would make me want to come back 😊
Imelda started with her latest single off of her new album, “Tribal” – I had been on a huge kick with that song so I was happy!

She played about every song of hers that I love, and her voice sounds exactly the way it does live as it does on her records, which is rare to find anymore!

It was a fabulous show, one where I couldn’t stop bopping my feet and singing along. She knows how to get the crowd going and keep them engaged! I’ve been lucky to see her live twice this year, and I hope to see her perform again soon!
Here’s a mashup of video clips I obtained from the show. I apologize in advance for the crappy resolution!
About a week and a half later, I received a call from the woman who took my picture, and she told me my shot was chosen to go in Tuesday’s Newsday! When it came around, I grabbed four copies – I dug into the first issue, and finally found it: