Destinations Magazine

Gone to the Beach!

By Sweetapple19 @sweetappleyard

Gone to the Beach!
Gone to the Beach!
Gone to the Beach!
Gone to the Beach!
Gone to the Beach!
Gone to the Beach!
Gone to the Beach!
Gone to the Beach!
Gone to the Beach!
Gone to the Beach!
Gone to the Beach!
I'm going to be a little quiet for the next week, I'm off to an island to watch this crazy kid, who happens to be my oldest, dearest friend, get married. I never thought we would get to a point in our lives where we would start doing grown up things like getting married and having kids. We are just so damn immature together, it didn't seem conceivable. But, she has met the man of her dreams and I'm so excited to stand beside her on the sand as her maid of honor and watch her commit to spending the rest of her life with an amazing person. That's the thing you realize as you get older... life changes, people come and go and some special ones stay for good. But in a real friendship like ours, we will be immature kids together through thick and thin for the rest of our days.
Love you biatch, with you all the way. XO

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