The opening track of Golden Grrrls self-titled debut, “New Pop,” is a jam-and-a-half. Short, sassy, and full of sharp, buzzy fun, “New Pop” is filled to the brim with melodic riffs, quick drumming and a few dueling “whoa-ohs” thrown in just for good measure. “New Pop” is sure to put a smile on your face; the grin, however, will eventually fade.
The American indie rock influence on Golden Grrrls is clear as day, and yet, the Scottish trio behind it doesn’t do much to make the sound their own. Most of the album’s tracks feel pleasantly familiar, and it’s because we’ve heard it all before; early 90s fuzz, familiar melodies, breezy harmonies, and simplistic, introspective lyrics. Tracks like the fittingly nostalgic single “Past Tense” and groovy closer “We’ve Got….” embody these characteristics well, making for a satisfying, toe-tapping listening experience. More upbeat tunes like “Take Your Time” give Golden Grrrls a bit of edge, but just barely. These “Grrrls” are about as edgy as Dorothy, Rose, Blanche and Sophia themselves. It’s obvious that Golden Grrrls prefer their tracks sunny-side up, but a bit of variety would have made for a nice change of pace.
Still, I like the way the gal’s and guy’s vocals come together on Golden Grrrls in a thoroughly sweet, amateurish style– though they always sound in sync, they’re never quite on the same page, or in tune. The juxtaposition between the band members’ voices is just great– hers high and light, his deep and (almost eerily) reminiscent of Thurston Moore– and the guitar-based jangle pop backgrounds pack a rather nice punch.
Golden Grrrls is total top-down summer music, and will evoke many a friendly, warm, and fuzzy feeling. I’ll probably be putting this one on the backburner until May or June, the time when simple and sweet pop jams are in high demand. Just be careful when handling Golden Grrrls, because you could find yourself getting sunburnt.

3 / 5 bars