The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question: Jerry Seinfeld's favorite explorer is Magellan! FIRST FIVES: My Mom! He Who Shall Not Be Named, Mike O'Dea, John Romeo & Caryn Vitolo Honorable Mention: Francesca Sullivan
Wednesday's Broadcast Top 5 Modern Family-ABC 3.5/10.6
Survivor-CBS 2.5/9.9
Criminal Minds-CBS 2.4/11.1
The Middle-ABC 2.0/8.0
CSI-CBS 1.8/10.1
Wednesday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5 X Factor-FOX 310,554
The Sing Off-NBC 26,459
Arrow-CW 15,128
Survivor-CBS 14,670
Modern Family-ABC 11,759 Wednesday's Cable Top 5 Duck Dynasty-A&E 3.5/8.8
American Horror Story-FX 2.1/3.9
South Park-Comedy Central 1.3/2.1
FX Movie Prime-FX .9/2.4
Big Bang Theory-TBS .9/2.1
Wednesday's Cable Trendrr Top 5
American Horror Story-FX 145,722
Duck Dynasty-A&E 90,380
NBA Bulls/Knicks-ESPN 68,828
South Park-Comedy Central-56,097
NBA Mavericks/Warriors-ESPN 47,793
Wednesday's Top 5 Nielsen Twitter Ratings The X Factor-FOX 189,100 Tweets
American Horror Story-FX 111,800 Tweets
Duck Dynasty-A&E 66,900 Tweets
South Park-Comedy Central 36,600 Tweets
Girl Code-MTV 27,000 Tweets Late Night Ratings for the week of 12/2/13-12/6/13 Leno .8/3.4
Kimmel .7/2.7 Letterman .6/2.7
The Daily Show .6/1.6 Fallon .5/1.7
Colbert .5/1.2 Nightline .4/1.6 Ferguson .4/1.4 Carson .3/.9 Conan .3/.7
The Sarah thing's getting old isn't it? Is she going to really keep skitsing out on every single guy that crosses her path? Did I spell skitsing right? She better not end up with Ray Romano. I like this Carl guy. I totally predicted that Amber and Ryan would never get married. What I didn't see coming was that it would be Ryan who would be the one to pull himself out of the situation. With all the crying Amber does you'd think she'd invest in some good mascara no? Boy when it rains it pours for Drew huh? Now that he has his mojo and some balls to tell Natalie what he wants, who shows up but Amy? Could get interesting. I'm betting that when Natalie sees Drew with Amy she'll want him...Bad. Girls always want what they can't have. How awesome is Adam? Other than my husband, and Coach Taylor from FNL, is he the best husband on TV no? I believe I predicted that Julia and Ed would get together and BOOM kissing action last night! Is it me or did Ed gain like 10 lbs since last episode? How funny is it whenever Crosby's doing something so "Daddy" like. I always think when anyone wears that Baby Bjorn thing, especially the Dad, that it just looks hilarious, but on Crosby....killer.
Is anyone out there watching Reign? Nobody's talking to me about this show and I so need to discuss it with someone. I love the it even though I get confused with the politics, who's in line for the thrown, and why it's all so important to the story. I seem to have issues with anything having to do with European monarchy's (and British sitcoms and time travel but that's another story) I had the same trouble during Game of Thrones and The White Queen. I know I've said this before, but every time I watch these shows I'm amazed that everyone was able to keep track of who's next in line for the thrown without an excel spreadsheet or an org chart. Anyway, back to last nights episode. In between the King and all of his women and the Queen and her obsession with her son, there's a cool love triangle between Mary (Queen of Scotland), Sebastian (bastard son of the king), and Francis (the future King of France). Mary finally slept with Francis. I can't decide if Francis is hot or not. He's got an odd body I think. It's just hidden underneath his outfits. I was happy that they slept together though, but doesn't Mary have to be a virgin when she gets married? Guess not. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that THE Nostradamus is the one living in the castle and advising everyone of their futures, but he's really a scammer...I think. He told the Queen and Mary that if Mary stayed with Francis, he would die, so Mary left and broke Francis's heart. From the looks of things, she'll be heading into Sebastian's arms when the show returns. Prediction...Mary's preggers and not sure who the baby daddy is. No DNA tests back then.
Is Scandal the fastest 60 minutes of the day? OMG it goes so fast. Can you name the actor who plays Cyrus Beane? I hope you can, because in addition to 5 bonus points, you really need to know who this incredibly talented man is and be FURIOUS that he's not nominated for a Golden Globe. He's brilliant. It's hard to shine so incredibly bright when you're surrounded by so many other incredible performances every week, but he does. If I had my own WWTM award, he would get it for this year. How CRAZY was that meeting between Fitz and Olivia's Dad? That was INtense! Okay so now here's what I don't get. 1) No way would David Rosen e-mail the file on Olivia's Mom to Abby. No way. 2) How could Olivia's Mom's plane be found in Mongolia and she's in DC the same day? 3) If Fitz can replace Olivia's Dad as Command, then he would have been Olivia's Dad's boss but that makes no sense does it? Olivia's Dad kept saying that it was all above Fitz's pay grade. So who's running the show? 4) A flip phone works underground at the Pentagon? Don't get me wrong, I LOVED the Fall finale but just had some issues with it. Additional 5 point bonus, name the song from this week. Now we all have to wait until 2/27 for our fave show to come back and take our breath away. 76 more days.NEWS & INFORMATION:
-Golden Globe Nominations came out yesterday. Here are the bigger ones for TV only:
Best Actor in a Drama
Bryan Cranston BRYAN WILL WIN, But I love that Michael Sheen is nominated.
Michael Sheen
Kevin Spacey
James Spader
Liev Schreiber
Best Actor in a Comedy
Jason BatemanDon Cheadle
Michael J. Fox SHOCKED
Jim Parsons
Best Actress in a Drama
Julianna MarguilesKerry Washington
Best Actress in a Comedy NO TINA FEY?
Zooey DeschanelLena Dunham
Julia Louis-Dreyfus SHE'LL WIN
Amy Poehler
Edie Falco
Best Movie/Mini Series
American Horror Story SOOOO SCARY!Behind the Candelabra THIS WILL WIN
Dancing on the Edge
Top of the Lake
Best Comedy
Big Bang TheoryModern Family
Brooklyn 99 REALLY???
Parks and Recreation WOULD LOVE TO SEE A WIN
Best Drama
Breaking Bad WILL WINDownton Abbey
House of Cards
Masters of Sex
The Good Wife
-I've loaded the CW's mid-season premieres on my list to the right, but one huge scheduling change is the move of Hart of Dixie to Friday nights. In one way, I'm happy about it because I have no life and never anything to watch on Friday nights, so I'll be able to check it out without any issue. That's the good news. The bad news is that when a show moves to Friday's it's usually the last move before it disappears forever. Hope not, I need Zoey to end up with Wade or George (preferably Wade) before the cancel the show for good. -Hey fellow Survivor fans, Jeff'll be around for 2 more seasons. That's season 29 and 30!!! Hope they do something special for season 30. Boston Rob? Please! Actually Rob and Amber should come back together to play. Something juicy like that. I'd love to see a complete rematch of former tribes in their entirety that would be awesome. You know a "Hind Sight is 20/20" edition.
-I'll remind you again, and I posted it to the right, but Jerry Seinfeld's awesome show on Crackle, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee will be back in January with 6 new episodes. Can't wait. Howard Stern is one of the Comedians. I need to know what car Jerry picked for him.-500 million Tweets are sent every day from 230 million users world wide. Just thought you should know.
-Friday's Trivia Question: Name Barney & Betty's son's name and Fred & Wilma's daughter's name.
Have a great weekend! WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme http://watchingwaytoomuch.com [email protected]