Food & Drink Magazine

Gluten and Dairy Free

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

I haven’t been blogging the last few days because I really haven’t been eating and when I have it’s been pretty un-fun.

So, I basically cleaned out my entire system for 36 hours. I took some natural laxatives and only drank water. I feel the best I have in 3 weeks.

This is what I ate yesterday…


Chicken noodle soup

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tart froyo with carob and coconut and wasa crackers with a tiny-tiny smear of peanut butter.

I felt pretty good all day yesterday eating what I ate. Then last night I had a tiny slice of pizza. I was baby sitting some kids and I wanted to see if it would sit okay. About 5 minutes after eating it my stomach went nuts. Then my intestines really freaked out as the night went on.

Basically I think I’m either having an allergy to wheat or gluten, or possibly a lactose intolerance.

Not fun!

Today, I drank a Naked Green Monster drink and a fried egg with a few slices of bacon because I was so hungry and I wanted some protein to keep my stomach full.

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It hasn’t been great. I’m running on empty all the time. I’m scared to eat anything. I haven’t ran or do any fitness since Wednesday night because that really aggravates my symptoms.

So, I’m staying off the dairy and gluten all week while on vacation so I can feel good and enjoy all the festivities. Then once I get back I’m going to see the doctor and try to get everything more figured out.

I don’t feel good about any of it. I want to run and I want to eat all the foods I like.

I know this blog hasn’t  been all chipper and fun like normal. I’m trying to get back to normal as soon as possible. Hopefully vacation (without all the eating fun) will help with that. Thanks for all your great ideas and comments. They have really really helped.  

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