Career Magazine

GIS Jobs in Halifax

Posted on the 15 January 2013 by T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

halifax sailboat GIS jobs in Halifax Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) is the capital of Nova Scotia. The population is around 398,000 [2009 census] making it the largest urban region in Atlantic Canada and the largest populated area east of Quebec City. HRM’s urban area is one of the major economic centers of Atlantic Canada with a large concentration of government services and private sector companies, many whom rely on GIS for every day tasks. Here are some of the latest jobs available in the Halifax and surrounding areas.

[Note: This is a dynamic page that searches multiple job search engines all at once to save you time, the job results will change from time as they are added and removed - If you do not find the job you want listed below simply change the info in What & Where search boxes below]

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