Humor Magazine

Ginger Heartache With Aunty Bill

By Gingerfightback @Gingerfightback

Aunty Bill - A Tin Opener Short

Hello AB

My wife is thinking of having a spot of plastic surgery to make her teeth less obtrusive. At present she could eat an apple through a letterbox. My worry is that I have a fetish about buck toothed women and worry that her straightening the gnashers will take the sparkle out  of our relationship. Any tips?

Harry, Buckminster

Aunty Bill Replies;

Harry!I too have a penchant for buck toothed railings which over the years has caused me to find myself in some pretty uncomfortable situations (the pantomime horse excuse no longer holds much sway I’m afraid).Cilla, Goofy, Bernie Winters and the strange guy on Channel 4 who presents the weather, all had or have a cracking set of gnashers on the top row only enhancing their natural beauty.Suggest to your wife that whilst you welcome her efforts to keep herself looking spick and span, leave the Hampsteads alone or go one better and install a new set of gleaming pearly whites that protrude further than the current ones do. The advantage being that she will be even better at eating big things fast and doing impersonations of famous race horses, a skill that will get people talking at your next dinner party.If you paint every other one black you’ll also be able to teach yourself how to play rudimentary tunes on the piano - the tooth fairy will be raining cash on you!Aunty

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