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Gift Idea (nothing Crafty Here)

By Corie @DesignDNAblog

Gift Idea (nothing crafty here)Growing up with a little sister isn't always rainbows and butterflies.  Especially from a child's point of view.  She always had to tag along, play with my toys and it seemed one of her favorite past times was getting me in trouble.  I was a very shy child and for the most part did as I was told.  Jaime on the other hand was loud and hungry for attention.  We laugh about it now but I remember getting sent to my room on numerous occasions for "biting".  What my Mother didn't know was that her 3 year old was actually biting herself (while smiling and staring me in the eye) then screaming and crying that I had bit her! 
Gift Idea (nothing crafty here)We've had our ups and downs as all sisters go through I'm sure.  What we've learned through the years however is no matter how obnoxious we were to each other, we were always there for one another when it really mattered.  If it wasn't for my Sister I don't know how I would have survived our childhood and I appreciate her for who she has become and all that she has done for me.  She has become my best friend and I love that arm biting brat to the death. 
Six years ago, I moved to Arizona which was a very difficult adjustment for everyone.  I try to make it back as often as possible and she takes me in every time. I even have a room waiting for me! 
Gift Idea (nothing crafty here)To show my appreciation I wanted to do something special so I created this Sister photobook from Shutterfly.  I'm extremely happy with how it turned out and I see these books as being great gifts in the future.
Click here to view this photo book largerTurn your favorite photos into a photo book at Shutterfly.comGift Idea (nothing crafty here)

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