History Magazine

Ghost Signs (79): West Norwood Revisited

By Carolineld @carolineld
When I photographed West Norwood's ghost signs a couple of years ago, one was nearly obscured by a hoarding. Happily, it is now fully visible (as I found out thanks to a comment from jayceeiams) so I revisited it a few days ago. 
Ghost signs (79): West Norwood revisited
Like the Bryant & May sign in New Cross, this one promises 'British matches for British homes'. Although the Brymay name is prominent, 'Bryant & May Ltd' is written in full underneath. We can see that the company's standard blue and yellow color scheme was used, although the area not protected by a later hoarding was over-painted in red. 
Also visible at the top of the sign is evidence of a previous advertisement. However, very little of it is distinguishable so I haven't been able to work out what was being advertised. The sign hasn't given up all its mysteries yet!

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