Fashion Magazine

Getting to Know Me and Some Thoughts in My Head.

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls
I thought i'd do a bit of a getting to know you post so that you can learn a little more about me and not just the boring everyday things like my age and job but i'll start with those types of general things.
Even though i write for a living i've found this quite enjoyable and i'm taking to use this as a way to write something different. At work i write content for websites along with articles, blogs and press releases because it's all written for the purpose of search engine optimisation i often find it quite boring to write and i don't enjoy it as much as i do writing my own blog. I do love going to work due to my team, there's 3 other girls in my room and we just get on so well.
I'm not one of those people with lots and lots of friends, i just have a few really close ones who i've known for years, though i must admit it's not always a good thing. Other friends seem to just come and go, i get to the point of where i'm fed up of initiating all conversation so then the friendship just falls by the way side.
I'm pretty much just as hopeless in the romance department. As much as i'd love it too, me and the girl won't be turning into anything too serious anytime soon if at all. I've got people saying it will and other people telling me to cut my loses. I always say they just don't see the girl which i see but they could be right and i could be wasting my time. Earlier today on Facebook i got a message from a guy i used to know from school, he moved to America about 6/7 years ago and we've spoken a little bit since then but not much so it was a surprise to me when he popped up on chat. Anyway he mentioned that he was coming over during summer and commented about seeing me, so being the polite girl i am i just said maybe but then he messaged asking about my sex/love life, which to me says he's after something when he comes over and obviously thinks i'm easy. I could be over reacting but in normal conversation you don't suggest seeing someone then ask about their sex/love life without wanting something. I've really failed in the romanxe department i had a 6 month relationship with the girl which ended over 2 years ago, not only was it my first relationship it was my only one. I had a friend with benefits relationship with someone else before me and the girl became friends again and since then it's been complicated and probably always will be.
After that, i'll tell you about me not that i'm overly exciting. I love knitting, i'm currently looking to expand my skills by knitting monsters on circular needles, once all my supplies arrive. I'll more than likely be keeping you updated. I'm also a reader though i don't have much time to do so but when i do i really make up for it, 3 books in one day is my normal rate when i sit and spend a day just reading. I'm slowly expanding my film collection, i might have about 30 DVD's now not the biggest collection but it's a start. I also love a good musical or theater play and i'm hoping to get out to see more, though i have seen two in the past week and i'm hoping to book another for June.
I do love cooking and baking though i don't do that much of it. Being the only veggie in a family of meat eaters makes it difficult because they won't eat a full veggie meal. I get to do more baking but i've lost my passion at the moment, hopefully it'll come back soon because i find baking very theraputic.
I currently have the 2 piercings my nose and nipple which are healing fantasticly. I'm in love with my nipple piercing though i do just love my boobs in general, i am thinking about getting my other nipple pierced at the end of summer. I have no tattoos just yet, though i've had an idea for one i like, i just won't allow myself to get it untill i've lost weight mainly because i don't want to risk it distorting.
I'm a bit queer and quirky, though i think it shows through in the way i act more than anything else, luckily my friends love me and i'll never go wrong with them.
Also have a picture of me from last night. This is being posted from my phone so i'm not sure where abouts the picture will be.
Getting to know me and some thoughts in my head.

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