Hair & Beauty Magazine

Getting Over a Very Silly Phobia

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
Getting over a very silly phobia
This is quite a different kind of post today, but one that I wanted to make because it's a big day for my nails. If you read my 25 facts about me post (here), you'll have seen that nail files give me the absolute heebie-jeebies. I think it was a combination of the filing feeling on your nails and the sound that it makes, but for some reason I just couldn't go near a nail file without feeling a bit unsettled. Yes I know this makes me sound a bit crazy, but it's very much true! Fast forward to today and can you believe it, I filed my nails. I received the Models Own 4 Way Nail Buffer as a freebie about a month ago when I pre-ordered the Fruit Pastel collection, and today I felt the need to look it out and give it a try because my nails aren't in the best condition with peeling. I think the less intimidating block shape of it and the fact that it had 4 uses drew me in, and before you know it I was happily filing and buffing away at my newly trimmed nails. It's safe to say that my nails and the rest of me survived and now I can actually see myself using this little block a lot. The fact that it is so compact and also multi-purpose makes it perfect for chucking in your makeup bag incase you have to deal with broken or peeling nails when you're out and about. Thank you Models Own, you finally got me over my nail file phobia!

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