I haven't blogged in about three months - and whilst I hate myself for it - I promise I have good reason. I've been busy setting up a new society at university, and I've also just been elected as Vice President for two societies at university (basically, I'm really busy!), I've also been trying to fit work and revision into my schedule.. hence the blogging on a friday night at midnight.
Being involved at university comes with so many positives. Yes, you're busy and you have minimal time to yourself - but you'll never regret it. For the want of being cheesy, you're going to the make the best memories, and make great friends along the way.
I didn't really get involved in university until second year, and I am gutted I didn't do it sooner. I was one of those freshers that got a bit scared and stuck to my flatmates/halls building for friends rather than branching out and meeting people that were actually like me (in my opinion, this was not a good move). This year, I joined two societies and created a club of my own - it has been hectic, but it has been the greatest experience.
So here's a little about my experience in university societies....

The first society I joined was the Politics and International Relations Society - the biggest, most successful society on our university campus and society of the year for the past two years running. I was fortunately appointed as blog officer for the last academic year, and at the AGM a few weeks ago, I was elected as Vice President for the next academic year! (possibly the happiest gal ever). I have made loads of friends in this society, and I have met all kinds of people that I definitely would not have met before, sadly a lot of the people I made friends with are leaving this year (wahhhhh). Being part of a successful society provides a lot of different opportunities to meet people and make connections that will benefit you in ways that you couldn't think of. Also, if you create an event that is successful and people enjoy it, it's rewarding - not the mention the volunteer hours you get for being on a committee (subtle positives).

This led to my joining the University of Aberdeen Conservative and Unionist Association, I think it was one of the greatest thing I have done. Working with like minded people in the conservatives on the better together campaign for our university - boosted my confidence, and gave me the chance to meet the members in a more casual setting, which in turn made me ten times more comfortable when it came to the AGM where I ran for Vice President, and was subsequently elected. Being part of the Conservatives has provided numerous opportunities for me already. We've began the campaign trail for our candidate, Alexander Burnett for West Aberdeenshire Kincardine, which is going to be one of the most fun, and rewarding opportunities I could have ever imagined to be a part of. Not only that, I get to be involved in the referendum campaign for Better Together, and I have been telephone canvassing for the European Elections (WHICH ARE NEXT WEEK AAAAHHHH), but it's been really fun, and interesting - and I got to chat to a lot of lovely old dears on the phone about their lives and their votes, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Whilst watching One Tree Hill all over again, I decided that I was going to create my own sports club - Aberdeen University Cheerleading Club. To my surprise, it had a lot of success very quickly. So far I have 71 members in the Facebook group and it continues to grow every day - the members kindly elected me as president and we have a really strong committee of lovely girls... people which I probably would not have met, had I not taken the risk of beginning the club. It is going to be an incredibly stressful year - but I can't wait to get started.
This was a bit of a ramble, but it's late, I've had a vodka or two... what do you expect from me?muchas loveysabellexxxxxx